Mugabe is a big hindrance to opposition victory and we need a change in Zimbabwe, in the system which will bring back justice

We need a change in Zimbabwe, not just a change but a new system which will bring back justice. I have noted with concern fellow opposition members and l want to allude this to you, Mugabe is a big hindrance to opposition victory.
But mind you its nit all invested in Mugabe but the system if Zanu pf which has a strong sensetised support system of national security. This means that as opposition more needs to be done to withdraw national security from zanu pf personalisation ‘think how’.
If you are stuck imagine how war made USA a super power, How Hitler and Mussolins fought for their victories. Sometimes it needs a vibrant effort especially in a country where civillian rights are at mess. MDC-T is the hope for most people, l also like it too, but the truth is you guys are now reluctant in revising and educating your support about your policies.
Neither have you managed to build more cinfidence to your support by engaging them into your current strategic plan to defend 2018 election victory. Lest we will witness another forged resounding victory of the devil. I berg you all supporters of opposition if there is no coalition let us just rally behind MDC-T for the sake of better hope
Please mr president and the presidium team give us a better worth strategy to defend our votes even if it means going to war its fine. David had to kill the Philistines in order to establish a sound kingdom. Zanu has killed and is still killing innocent souls then be afraid. Please gear up, our votes count a lot. Thank you. By  K D CM Mudzunge Marovha

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